Ahh. Got it. Few things:
1) I'm talking about the U.S. in my studies because I live and work here. Therefore, I have no use for gaming statistics outside of the U.S., as those numbers lie outside the scope of my article.
2) This an anti-racism blog about...anti-racism. The article is about a Black woman gamer, talking about a Black woman Guinness world-record holder, written by a Black man...on an ANTI-RACISM website. We play all the cards, here. Race card. Gender card. Big Joker card. Ace of spaces. All the cards, bro.
3) If you clicked on the article where I quote the numbers, you'll see it's data and statistics from a leader in market and consumer data. That seems to be a pretty solid source and I'm sure they conduct more than just "surveys" on "demographics."
4) As far as the point of the burden of proof...I mean, sure lol. But, nah.
Anyway, thanks for reading!